Sunday, November 20, 2016

Docker Grenoble: Docker Global Mentor Week meetup

Last week we rose to the challenge of Docker Global Mentor Week by holding a #learndocker Meetup in Grenoble, France hosted by HPE Grenoble - one of 100's of meetups worldwide.  Global Mentor Week was announced in October, on the Docker Blog here.  Just enough time to see the post, signup as a Mentor, become a Docker Meetup co-organizer and persuade the boss to buy us Pizzas.

Docker Grenoble Meetup, 17th November - on Meetup
So we had everything we needed, and we had 36 participants, not bad for a start and I was glad to get quite a few new members of the Docker Grenoble Meetup Group.

Unfortunate that Manuel Vacelet, who created the Meetup Group wasn't available, but the Docker Global Mentor Week dates were fixed and I was at Docker Paris on the Monday, driving down to Grenoble on the Tuesday, presenting at Docker FLOSS Meetup on the Wednesday ... well, you get the idea.

So, we had a good turnout and it seems people were very pleased with the event, the most common comment being "when's the next one ...".

It was essential to have some mentors though, and we had 4, a big thanks to
Rene Ribaud (  ), Vincent Misson, Christiophe Larsonneur, and Nicolas Thomas (  ) for their help making the evening a success.

We also had Stephane Bureau of HPE pass by to take photos.  Much appeciated, thanks Stephane!

Another great aid was the Docker provided trainings (beginner to advanced) which students could follow.
Also one or 2 people tried the new Play With Docker site allowing to play with Docker online.

So when is the next Docker Global Mentor Week?

When is the next Docker Grenoble Meetup - well that depends on you if you want to present - otherwise we'll probably present on subjects such as Unikernels and also Kubernetes early in 2017.

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